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About Us

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ADA IAPLC - Grand Prize (World Champion)

AGA International Aquascaping Contest - Best of Show

AGA International Aquascaping Contest (200L - 400L ) - 1st Prize

AGA International Aquascaping Contest (70L - 200L ) - 2nd Prize



ADA IAPLC - Winning Works #49 Place

ADA IAPLC - Winning Works #52 Place

AGA International Aquascaping Contest - Best of Show

AGA International Aquascaping Contest (400L or Larger) - 1st Prize

AGA International Aquascaping Contest (200L - 400L ) - 1st Prize

AGA International Aquascaping Contest (200L - 400L) - Honorable Mention



ADA IAPLC - Bronze Prize

CTA Aquascape Contest - 2nd Place

AGA International Aquascaping Contest (200L - 400L) - 3rd Prize



ADA IAPLC - Honour Prize #18 Place



ADA IAPLC - Bronze Prize

ADA IAPLC - Honour Prize #14 Place

AGA International Aquascaping Contest (70L - 200L ) - 1st Prize

AGA International Aquascaping Contest (320L or Larger) - Honorable Mention



ADA IAPLC - Winning Works #47 Place

CBAP Brazilian Aquascaping Contest - Judge of Judging Panels

VADC Vietnam Aquarium Design Contest - Judge of Judging Panels



ADA IAPLC - Honour Prize #11 Place

CAPA Aquascaping Contest - Judge of Judging Panels

CBAP Brazilian Aquascaping Contest - Judge of Judging Panels

Nanfeng Cup the 3rd China Aquascape Contest - Judge of Judging Panels



AGA International Aquascaping Contest (above 320L ) - 1st Prize



AGA International Aquascaping Contest (200L - 320L) - Honorable Mention

EAPLC European Aquatic Plants Layout Contest - Judge of Judging Panels



Elected as the Vice President of the China Fisheries Aquascaping Association of the China Fisheries Association 

"Great Wall Cup” International Aquascaping Contest - Vice Chairman of Judging Panel

EAPLC European Aquatic Plants Layout Contest - Judge of Judging Panels



Awarded the "Title of Master in the Aquascaping" by China Fisheries Aquascaping Association

"Great Wall Cup” International Aquascaping Contest - Vice Chairman of Judging Panel

CBAP Brazilian Aquascaping Contest - Judge of Judging Panels

AQSC Aquascaping Spain Contest - Judge of Judging Panels

EAPLC European Aquatic Plants Layout Contest - Judge of Judging Panels



"Great Wall Cup” International Aquascaping Contest - Vice Chairman of Judging Panel

CBAP Brazilian Aquascaping Contest - Judge of Judging Panels


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